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Statement of the Ukraine Reconstruction Fund in connection with the latest events in the United States


On July 21, US President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. This news is an important milestone in the history of American politics, as Joe Biden has devoted almost 50 years of his life to serving the people of the United States: first as a senator, then as vice president, and finally as president.

The Ukraine Reconstruction Fund expresses its deep respect and gratitude to Joe Biden for his longstanding commitment to democracy, human rights and international stability. His contribution to the development of relations between our countries is invaluable, and we are sincerely grateful for his support of Ukraine in difficult times.

We hope that regardless of who becomes the next President of the United States, support for Ukraine will remain unchanged and even strengthened. We are confident that our partnership will continue to develop and cooperation between our countries will become even stronger.

Pavlo Kostyuk – Founder of the Ukraine Reconstruction Fund

Viktoriia Korsunova – Director of the URF Kyiv office

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