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The fund started energy inspection in schools and kindergartens of Kremenchuk


Ukrainian Reconstruction Fund started inspection of the objects of Kremenchuk’s social infrastructure to set up alternative heating systems in the buildings as planned.

During this week, specialists performed a technical inspection of kindergartens №32, №34, gymnasium №19 and lyceum №25 in Kremenchuk and Globynskyi lyceum №5 in Globyne. A thorough inspection of walls, windows, lofts, roofs and basements was performed to determine their actual state.


Currently, expert opinion is in development. Fund will determine the next stage of the work after the expert opinion’s analysis.


As we have mentioned previously, the cogeneration plant in Kremenchuk was destroyed due to missile strikes. Thus, the regular heating season is in danger. In July, Fund executives signed the partnership memorandum with the city and district governments. According to the memorandum, alternative heating will be provided to several objects of social infrastructure in Kremenchuk and Globyne.

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