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Continued international support for Ukraine is key to recovery and a stable future


Ukraine continues to receive significant support from its international partners, who have confirmed their readiness to contribute to the development of the Ukrainian economy, restoration of infrastructure and social initiatives through numerous assistance programs.

This was announced during the meetings of the Ukraine Reconstruction Fund (URF) with international organizations from the EU, the US and other countries.

The main areas of international support remain projects in the areas of construction, social protection, energy independence and innovative development. Particular attention is paid to sustainable economic recovery at the local level, which includes the active involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in infrastructure projects and stimulating investment in the regions.

“Sustainable recovery of Ukraine is a priority for the international community, which supports projects that will contribute to long-term economic growth and stability in the country. Our work together with our partners is aimed at laying the foundation for future development, which will help restore communities and create a reliable environment for business and investment,” said Pavlo Kostyuk, founder of the Ukraine Reconstruction Fund.

The URF continues to actively cooperate with international partners to implement initiatives that include the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies, development of critical and social infrastructure, as well as support for small and medium-sized enterprises, which play a key role in the growth of the Ukrainian economy.


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